About Me

Currently I’m a masters student, completing a masters in applied maths at the University of Melbourne. I’m a very curious individual, with a huge thirst for knowledge, and always on the lookout to learn something new. I did an undergraduate degree in maths, but I dove deep into the world of coding as well, since I found that both fields complement each other really well. Throughout my degree I learnt multiple languages such as Python, C, Java, R and Matlab, and completed various projects all the way from machine learning to game development. I’m very comfortable coding in Python and using libraries in data manipulation, machine learning, computer vision, web scraping and language processing, and I have strong OOP fundamentals.

In terms of maths, I have learnt a wide range of tools and problem-solving skills to tackle any kind of problem. I am particularly interested in the applied specialisation, given its versatility in a range of fields. For example from econometric modelling, to mesoscale weather phenomena modelling, applications of this branch are endless.